We warmly extend an invitation to current CASSE NSW Inc members, new Members and guests, to join our 3rd quarterly General meeting for this financial year 2024 - 2025. We will discuss the activities and events in which we have been engaged so far this year and those new activities we are planning.
Any new or potential new members can also attend, but, we note if they wish to vote and or participate in meeting and vote on the decisions relating to that meeting, they will need to have contacted our secretary Phil Jones, or myself to apply for membership and pay our small membership fee (as per Our Constitution). Futher they should also make sure they have an agenda.
Notifications regarding the Agenda will be sent out by our secretary Phil Jones to the currently registered CASSE NSW Inc members.
The Minutes of the last general meeting have been Emailed to registered CASSE NSW Inc members, by Phil Jones. To attend the meeting a new Zoom Link & meeting ID will also be sent out shortly to CASSE NSW members by the Secretary. While we are interested to hear the views of any new members attending the meeting (who have been given the Zoom ID etc ) but we reiterate only current CASSE NSW Inc members can vote on matters being decided upon at the general meeting .
CASSE NSW Inc uses the financial year for its annual reporting period (the new financial year ends 30 June 2025).
As you appreciate CASSE NSW Inc continues to promote the ideas and an understanding of what a Steady State Economy can become. We have proposed a petition to the Federal Parliament and our site sets out a series of Blogs, Videos, Books, articles and links which appear on this CASSE NSW.org.au site for your information. Blogs, books and articles are updated fairly regularly. We are adding a new section on the Main site about important "environmental and social indices" .
As noted Zoom address for those wishing to attend the next CASSE NSW Inc meeting has been provided by our Secretary Philip Jones, along with the Agenda, for this Next CASSE Meetings.. Phil will notify members of the new Zoom Link and meeting ID & Passcode. Please contact him (or myself ) if you are not aware of the new Zoom Link and meeting ID & passcode.
Attending Via Zoom
We Note - If seeking to attend our Next CASSE NSW meeting via zoom, you need a computer, with (at least) a microphone and Camera to use Zoom effectively (though microphone only is possible). Firstly, download the Zoom app onto your computer, after searching on Internet for it. Then follow the set-up instructions, available on the Zoom site. Once installed all you need do is click on the Zoom Link and enter the meeting ID or Passcode..
CASSE NSW members and potential members are welcome to contact me (Matthew Washington) on this and other matters with respect to our activities on cassenewsouthwales@gmail.com
Wishing you all the best for this new unfolding financial 2024 - 2025 . We Trust
you will have fruitful year despite the economic headwinds unfolding here, and those
many matters of concern arising globally !