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Addicted to Growth? Fenner Conference videos now available


In October 2014 the NSW Chapter of the Centre for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy organised the 2014 Fenner Conference on the environment for the Australian Academy of Science “Addicted to Growth? How to move to a Steady State Economy in Australia’. Its proceedings are now available on Youtube. Links to the videos are provided below.

Keynote address Dr Brian Czech, President of CASSE international, author of ‘Supply Shock’ -‘A steady state economy – the time is now’

Topic 1: ‘Why the growth economy is broken: the environmental science of endless growth’

Robert Costanza

Ian Lowe

Panel Discussion – Chair Prof Gary Luck

Topic 2: ‘Capitalism and the steady state economy – uneasy bedfellows?’

Topic 3: “Key aspects of a steady state economy”

Topic 4: Throughput and consumerism – a key elephant in the room

Topic 5: Ethics, equity and equality

Topic 6: Policy and political process towards a steady state economy

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